Saturday, April 27, 2013

Readathon Ninth Hour Update

This is a lot of fun and 290 pages of Calculated in Death by J. D. Robb have been read.  So far it's been fun visiting with favorite characters and watching the mystery unfold.

I took a break for about 45 minutes and listened to Self-Defense by Jonathan Kellerman while walking the cats and doing a bit of other stuff.  It's over 11 hours long but I started it last week and have less than 3 hours to go and am somewhat curious how it will end so I'll probably go back to it soon.

I've also taken a couple of unexpected catnaps.  Guess the work week left me a bit more tired than I thought.  If I get through the rest of the 24 hours with just catnaps I'll be happy but, since there is having fun while reading for a day with nothing else planned, no matter what happens it will be a success.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Reading for the day with nothing else planned is terrific, and I'd call it a success! Good luck with the rest of the read-a-thon.
